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Perform various Ansible Role and Collection related operations. More information:

  • List installed roles or collections:

ansible-galaxy {{role|collection}} list

  • Search for a role with various levels of verbosely (-v should be specified at the end):

ansible-galaxy role search {{keyword}} -v{{vvvvv}}

  • Install or remove role(s):

ansible-galaxy role {{install|remove}} {{role_name1 role_name2 ...}}

  • Create a new role:

ansible-galaxy role init {{role_name}}

  • Get information about a role:

ansible-galaxy role info {{role_name}}

  • Install or remove collection(s):

ansible-galaxy collection {{install|remove}} {{collection_name1 collection_name2 ...}}

  • Display help about roles or collections:

ansible-galaxy {{role|collection}} {{-h|--help}}