CLI cheatsheet with customized descriptions, tldr and groups, to look into for your reference. Press Enter to a command to copy it to your clipboard and exit. More information:
- [a]dd a new command to the cheatshheet:
cheatshh --add
- Edit ([ec]) an existing command's description or group in the cheatshheet:
cheatshh --edit-command
- Delete ([dc]) an existing command from the cheatshheet:
cheatshh --delete-command
- Create a new [g]roup:
cheatshh --group
- Edit ([eg]) an existing group's name or description in the cheatsheet:
cheatshh --edit-group
- Delete ([dg]) an existing group and it's sub commands from commands.json file:
cheatshh --delete-group
- Display [m]an pages after tldr in the preview:
cheatshh --man