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DNS lookup utility. It has colorful output, supports DNS-over-TLS and DNS-over-HTTPS protocols, and can emit JSON. More information:

  • Lookup the IP(s) associated with a hostname (A records):

dog {{}}

  • Query the MX records type associated with a given domain name:

dog {{}} MX

  • Specify a specific DNS server to query (e.g. Cloudflare):

dog {{}} MX @{{}}

  • Query over TCP rather than UDP:

dog {{}} MX @{{}} --tcp

  • Query the MX records type associated with a given domain name over TCP using explicit arguments:

dog --query {{}} --type MX --nameserver {{}} --tcp

  • Lookup the IP(s) associated with a hostname (A records) using DNS over HTTPS (DoH):

dog {{}} --https @{{}}