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An open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI. Provides a modular framework for solving specific problems using a crowdsourced set of AI prompts. More information:

  • Run the setup to configure fabric:

fabric --setup

  • List all available patterns:

fabric --listpatterns

  • Run a pattern with input from a file:

fabric --pattern {{pattern_name}} < {{path/to/input_file}}

  • Run a pattern on a YouTube video URL:

fabric --youtube "{{}}" --pattern {{pattern_name}}

  • Chain patterns together by piping output from one to another:

fabric --pattern {{pattern1}} | fabric --pattern {{pattern2}}

  • Run a custom user-defined pattern:

fabric --pattern {{custom_pattern_name}}

  • Run a pattern and save the output to a file:

fabric --pattern {{pattern_name}} --output {{path/to/output_file}}

  • Run a pattern with the specified variables:

fabric --pattern {{pattern_name}} --variable "{{variable_name}}:{{value}}"