gh skyline
Generate a 3D model of your GitHub contribution history. By default, it will create a
file in the current directory. More information:
- Generate a skyline STL file for the current year and authenticated user:
gh skyline
- Generate a skyline for a specific [u]ser and [y]ear:
gh skyline --user {{username}} --year {{year}}
- Generate a skyline for a range of [y]ears:
gh skyline --user {{username}} --year {{first_year}}-{{last_year}}
- Generate a [f]ull skyline (from the user's join year to the current year):
gh skyline --user {{username}} --full
- Enable [d]ebug logging:
gh skyline --debug
- Generate a skyline and specify the [o]utput file path:
gh skyline --output {{path/to/output_file.stl}}
- Open the GitHub profile for a specific [u]ser:
gh skyline --user {{username}} --web
- Display [h]elp:
gh skyline --help