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Modern, secure and powerful system container and virtual machine manager. More information:

  • List all containers and virtual machines (both running and stopped):

incus list

  • Create a container from an image, with a custom name:

incus create {{image}} {{container_name}}

  • Start or stop an existing container:

incus {{start|stop}} {{container_name}}

  • Open a shell inside an already running container:

incus shell {{container_name}}

  • Remove a stopped container:

incus delete {{container_name}}

  • Pull an image from an image repository (remote) to local:

incus copy {{remote}}:{{image}} local:{{custom_image_name}}

  • List all available images in the official images: remote:

incus image list images:

  • List all images already downloaded to the local: remote:

incus image list local: