Command line tool and client for uploading, retrieving and managing data in S3 compatible object storage. More information: https://s3tools.org/s3cmd.
- Invoke configuration/reconfiguration tool:
s3cmd --configure
- List Buckets/Folders/Objects:
s3cmd ls s3://{{bucket|path/to/file}}
- Create Bucket/Folder:
s3cmd mb s3://{{bucket}}
- Download a specific file from a bucket:
s3cmd get s3://{{bucket_name}}/{{path/to/file}} {{path/to/local_file}}
- Upload a file to a bucket:
s3cmd put {{local_file}} s3://{{bucket}}/{{file}}
- Move an object to a specific bucket location:
s3cmd mv s3://{{src_bucket}}/{{src_object}} s3://{{dst_bucket}}/{{dst_object}}
- Delete a specific object:
s3cmd rm s3://{{bucket}}/{{object}}