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Intuitive find and replace. More information:

  • Trim some whitespace using a regular expression (output stream: stdout):

{{echo 'lorem ipsum 23 '}} | sd '\s+$' ''

  • Replace words using capture groups (output stream: stdout):

{{echo 'cargo +nightly watch'}} | sd '(\w+)\s+\+(\w+)\s+(\w+)' 'cmd: $1, channel: $2, subcmd: $3'

  • Find and replace in a specific file (output stream: stdout):

sd -p {{'window.fetch'}} {{'fetch'}} {{path/to/file.js}}

  • Find and replace in all files in the current project (output stream: stdout):

sd {{'from "react"'}} {{'from "preact"'}} "$(find . -type f)"