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An easy-to-use CLI tool for building, operating, and automating Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) systems and workflows. See also: openssl. More information:

  • Inspect the contents of a certificate:

step certificate inspect {{path/to/certificate.crt}}

  • Create a root CA certificate and a key (append --no-password --insecure to skip private key password protection):

step certificate create "{{Example Root CA}}" {{path/to/root-ca.crt}} {{path/to/root-ca.key}} --profile root-ca

  • Generate a certificate for a specific hostname and sign it with the root CA (generating a CSR can be skipped for simplification):

step certificate create {{}} {{path/to/hostname.crt}} {{path/to/hostname.key}} --profile leaf --ca {{path/to/root-ca.crt}} --ca-key {{path/to/root-ca.key}}

  • Verify a certificate chain:

step certificate verify {{path/to/hostname.crt}} --roots {{path/to/root-ca.crt}} --verbose

  • Convert a PEM format certificate to DER and write it to disk:

step certificate format {{path/to/certificate.pem}} --out {{path/to/certificate.der}}

  • Install or uninstall a root certificate in the system's default trust store:

step certificate {{install|uninstall}} {{path/to/root-ca.crt}}

  • Create a RSA/EC private and public keypair (append --no-password --insecure to skip private key password protection):

step crypto keypair {{path/to/public_key}} {{path/to/private_key}} --kty {{RSA|EC}}

  • Show help for subcommands:

step {{path|base64|certificate|completion|context|crl|crypto|oauth|ca|beta|ssh}} --help