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Execute SQL on CSV, LTSV, JSON, YAML, and TBLN files. More information:

  • Convert object data from multiple JSON files to a CSV file with header (-oh) and double quote:

trdsql -ocsv -oh "SELECT * FROM {{path/to/file/*.json}}" | sed 's/\([^,]*\)/"&"/g' > {{path/to/file.csv}}

  • Interpret JSON list as a table and put objects inside as columns (path/to/file.json: {"list":[{"age":"26","name":"Tanaka"}]}):

trdsql "SELECT * FROM {{path/to/file.json}}::.list

  • Manipulate complex SQL query with data from multiple CSV files with first line is header (-ih):

trdsql -icsv -ih "SELECT {{column1,column2}} FROM {{path/to/file*.csv}} WHERE column2 != '' ORDER BY column1 GROUP BY column1"

  • Merge content of 2 CSV files to one CSV file:

trdsql "SELECT {{column1,colum2}} FROM {{path/to/file1.csv}} UNION SELECT {{column1,column2}} FROM {{path/to/file2.csv}}"

  • Connect to PostgreSQL database:

trdsql -driver postgres -dsn "host={{hostname}} port={{5433}} dbname={{database_name}}" "SELECT 1"

  • Create table data to MySQL database from CSV file:

trdsql -driver mysql -dsn "{{username}}:{{password}}@{{hostname}}/{{database}}" -ih "CREATE TABLE {{table}} ({{column1}} int, {{colum2}} varchar(20)) AS SELECT {{column3}} AS {{column1}},{{column2}} FROM {{path/to/header_file.csv}}"

  • Show data from compress log files:

trdsql -iltsv "SELECT * FROM {{path/to/access.log.gz}}"