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Fast, modern testing framework built for Vite, offering seamless integration, TypeScript support, and a Jest-compatible API for unit, integration, and snapshot testing. More information:

  • Run all available tests:

vitest run

  • Run the test suites from the given files:

vitest run {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}

  • Run the test suites from files within the current and subdirectories, whose paths match the given regular expression:

vitest run {{regular_expression1}} {{regular_expression2}}

  • Run the tests whose names match the given regular expression:

vitest run --testNamePattern {{regular_expression}}

  • Watch files for changes and automatically re-run related tests:


  • Run tests with coverage:

vitest run --coverage

  • Run all tests but stops immediately after the first test failure:

vitest run --bail=1

  • Display help:

vitest --help