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Incremental journaling backup utility and archiver. More information:

  • [a]dd a file or directory to a new or existing archive:

zpaq a {{path/to/archive.zpaq}} {{path/to/file_or_directory}}

  • Create or add to an encrypted archive:

zpaq a -k{{password}} {{path/to/archive.zpaq}} {{path/to/file_or_directory}}

  • E[x]tract the most recent versions of files:

zpaq x {{path/to/archive.zpaq}}

  • [l]ist the archive contents:

zpaq l {{path/to/archive.zpaq}}

  • Set the level of compression (higher means more compression but slower):

zpaq a {{path/to/archive.zpaq}} -m{{1|2|3|4|5}} {{path/to/file_or_directory}}

  • E[x]tract the specified files from the archive that are not newer than the specified date:

zpaq x {{path/to/archive.zpaq}} {{path/in/archive/to/extract}} -to {{path/to/output}} -until {{YYYY-MM-DD}}