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Manipulate the UEFI Boot Manager. More information:

  • List all boot options with their numbers:

efibootmgr {{-u|--unicode}}

  • Add UEFI Shell v2 as a boot option:

sudo efibootmgr -c -d {{/dev/sda}} -p {{1}} -l "{{\path\to\shell.efi}}" -L "{{UEFI Shell}}"

  • Add Linux as a boot option:

sudo efibootmgr --create --disk {{/dev/sda}} --part {{1}} --loader "{{\vmlinuz}}" --unicode "{{kernel_cmdline}}" --label "{{Linux}}"

  • Change the current boot order:

sudo efibootmgr {{-o|--bootorder}} {{0002,0008,0001,0005}}

  • Delete a boot option:

sudo efibootmgr {{-b|--bootnum}} {{0008}} {{-B|--delete-bootnum}}