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Show information about the usage of System V IPC facilities: shared memory segments, message queues, and semaphore arrays. See also: lsipc for a more flexible tool, ipcmk for creating IPC facilities, and ipcrm for deleting them. More information:

  • Show information about all active IPC facilities:


  • Show information about active shared [m]emory segments, message [q]ueues or [s]empahore sets:

ipcs {{--shmems|--queues|--semaphores}}

  • Show full details on the resource with a specific [i]D:

ipcs {{--shmems|--queues|--semaphores}} --id {{resource_id}}

  • Show [l]imits in [b]ytes or in a human-readable format:

ipcs --limits {{--bytes|--human}}

  • Show s[u]mmary about current usage:

ipcs --summary

  • Show [c]reator's and owner's UIDs and PIDs for all IPC facilities:

ipcs --creator

  • Show the [p]ID of the last operators for all IPC facilities:

ipcs --pid

  • Show last access [t]imes for all IPC facilities:

ipcs --time