Easily build KDE components from its source repositories. Drop-in replacement for
. More information: https://kde-builder.kde.org/en/cmdline/cmdline-usage.html.
- Initialize
kde-builder --initial-setup
- Compile a KDE component and its dependencies from the source:
kde-builder {{component_name}}
- Compile a component without updating its local code and without compiling its [D]ependencies:
kde-builder --no-src --no-include-dependencies {{component_name}}
- [r]efresh the build directories before compiling:
kde-builder --refresh-build {{component_name}}
- Resume compilation from a specific dependency:
kde-builder --resume-from={{dependency_component}} {{component_name}}
- Run a component with a specified executable name:
kde-builder --run {{executable_name}}
- Build all configured components:
- Use system libraries in place of a component if it fails to build:
kde-builder --no-stop-on-failure {{component_name}}