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Create .dot files of the PipeWire graph. See also: dot, for rendering graph. More information:

  • Generate a graph to file:


  • Read objects from pw-dump JSON file:

pw-dot {{-j|--json}} {{path/to/file.json}}

  • Specify an [o]utput file, showing all object types:

pw-dot --output {{path/to/}} {{-a|--all}}

  • Print .dot graph to stdout, showing all object properties:

pw-dot --output - {{-d|--detail}}

  • Generate a graph from a [r]emote instance, showing only linked objects:

pw-dot --remote {{remote_name}} {{-s|--smart}}

  • Lay the graph from left to right, instead of dot's default top to bottom:

pw-dot {{-L|--lr}}

  • Lay the graph using 90-degree angles in edges:

pw-dot {{-9|--90}}

  • Display help:

pw-dot --help