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Set SELinux boolean value. See also: semanage-boolean, getsebool. More information:

  • Show the current setting of [a]ll booleans:

getsebool -a

  • Set or unset a boolean temporarily (non-persistent across reboot):

sudo setsebool {{httpd_can_network_connect}} {{1|true|on|0|false|off}}

  • Set or unset a boolean [p]ersistently:

sudo setsebool -P {{container_use_devices}} {{1|true|on|0|false|off}}

  • Set or unset multiple booleans [p]ersistently at once:

sudo setsebool -P {{ftpd_use_fusefs=1 mount_anyfile=0 ...}}

  • Set or unset a boolean persistently (alternative method using semanage-boolean):

sudo semanage boolean {{-m|--modify}} {{-1|--on|-0|--off}} {{haproxy_connect_any}}