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tmt run

Execute tmt test steps. By default, all steps are run. More information:

  • Run all test steps for each plan:

tmt run

  • Run only the discover step to show what tests would be run:

tmt run discover -v

  • Run all steps and adjust the provision step options:

tmt run --all provision --how {{container}} --image {{fedora:rawhide}}

  • Run only selected plans and tests:

tmt run plan --name {{/plan/name}} test --name {{/test/name}}

  • Show results from the last run in a web browser:

tmt run --last report --how {{html}} --open

  • Run tests with the provided context:

tmt run --context {{key=value}} -c {{distro=fedora}}

  • Run tests interactively (debug test code in the middle of a test):

tmt run --all execute --how {{tmt}} --interactive

  • Use dry mode to see what actions would happen and use the highest verbosity:

tmt run --dry -vvv