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Create a new file, directory, symbolic link, or a registry entry. Note: This command can only be used through PowerShell. More information:

  • Create a new blank file (equivalent to touch):

New-Item {{path\to\file}}

  • Create a new directory:

New-Item -ItemType Directory {{path\to\directory}}

  • Write a new text file with specified content:

New-Item {{path\to\file}} -Value {{content}}

  • Write the same text file in multiple locations:

New-Item {{path\to\file1 , path\to\file2 , ...}} -Value {{content}}

  • Create a symbolic link\hard link\junction to a file or directory:

New-Item -ItemType {{SymbolicLink|HardLink|Junction}} -Path {{path\to\link_file}} -Target {{path\to\source_file_or_directory}}

  • Create a new blank registry entry (in REG_SZ, use New-ItemProperty or Set-ItemProperty to fine-tune the value type):

New-Item {{path\to\registry_key}}

  • Create a new blank registry entry with specified value:

New-Item {{path\to\registry_key}} -Value {{value}}